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"To find health should be object of the practitioner. Anyone can find disease."
A.T. Still, founder of osteopathy

What is osteopathy?

Osteopathy is form of manual and holistic therapy that was first introduced by A.T. Still, an American MD in 1874 in the US. It is a science but it is also describes as a philosophy. Osteopathy adheres to the idea that the body is a unit that has the ability to heal itself and that structure and function are interrelated. Osteopathic treatment is based upon these principles. 

What does an osteopath do?

An osteopath will assess and treat your body as a whole, keeping in my mind that often, the area of pain is not where the symptoms are coming from. For the most effective assessment and treatment, your practitioner will assess all the inter-related systems of your body in order to determine the origin of your complain(s). An osteopath uses a variety of  hands-on techniques such as; myo-fascial release, soft tissue and osteo-articular techniques as well as visceral manipulation and cranio-sacral techniques. The aim of the treatment is to remove any barrier that is preventing your body from healing normally. 

What to expect during your first visit?

For the most effective assessment and treatment, the patient will be asked to be in its underwear as the skin already gives the osteopath a lots of information about the patient wellbeing. Please feel free to bring some comfortable clothing; a short, a t-shirt, a tank-top or a sports bra if you feel uncomfortable being in your underwear. Your osteopath will take a full case history, including questions about your general health. The osteopath will then do a physical evaluation to make sure it is safe for you to receive an osteopathic treatment. During the examination, your posture, joints movements as well as general mobility and soft tissue quality / tone will be assessed. Your osteopath will explain its findings and will discuss with you a treatment plan. Please note that on occasion you may experience some soreness after the treatment as your body is re-adjusting; this can last up to 48 to 72 hours after the treatment, but as everyone is different it can sometimes last longer. A follow up session is needed 2 or 3 weeks after your initial consultation. It can sometimes take a few sessions to reach body re-adjustment also called homeostasis.

Who can benefits from osteopathy?

People from every age range, from the colicky baby to the elderly suffering from degenerative chronic conditions can benefit from osteopathy. Below is a list of common conditions an osteopath might help you with;

  • Neck and back pain

  • Acute / Chronic pain

  • Pelvic pain

  • Sciatica

  • Headaches / Migraines

  • Jaw pain

  • Posture and stress related issues

  • Pregnancy related complaints

  • Post partum related complaints

  • Digestives disturbances

  • Sports related injuries

  • Hip and knee pain

  • Ankle sprain

  • Tongue tie and breastfeeding issues

"An osteopath is a mediator who must restore the delicate balance between structure and function, nature will do the rest."

Osteopathy; Treat the cause, not the symptom(s). 

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